The girl, immediately upon leaving the home, was assaulted by tentacle monsters and taken to a closed-after-hours school. There, she was furiously filled to the brim with phallic, squishy rape rods.
Anime guy's bond with the girl alerted him of trouble. He flew to the basement and spiraled into his car; upon contact, it whirred and clanked into a story-tall mech and blasted into the sky in an explosion which elminated all sentient life within a seven-block radius.
...using his determination and horrific, motivating flashbacks, heignited his fist with a piercing, drilling spiritual power. Reaching the school in mere seconds, he unleashed his previously-trained-and-developed finishing move unto the entire third floor; a fleet of energy torpedos streamed from his palm and disintegrated the tentacle monster along with a large chunk of the high school. Anime Guy slowly ejected from his mech and landed onto one of the remaining portions of the third floor and met eyes with Girl. Picking her up into his arms, he turned back to the mech. His silhouette moved toward the moon, his clothes flapping violently as a result of the explosion and the mech's ventilation., uh. They fucked afterwards. Their kid had sharp, narrow, emo eyes.