<Mapletta> someone from /ic/ (4chan art critique forum)
<Mapletta> told me
<Mapletta> [yesterday, for another gesture i did]
<Mapletta> "your gesture doesn't quite express the movement accurately"
<Mapletta> "Don't be afraid to exaggerate the movement you feel in the pose in order to express it"
<Mapletta> this really helps me
<Mapletta> Exaggeration must be due to the feeling I get from it, and I'm supposed to analyze, not copy... so surely, if I stay true to my analysis I'm going to exaggerate to get the accurate emphasis in the gesture.
<Mapletta> Until over time my analysis gets more and more accurate to the point that my need for exaggerations becomes negligible
<Reap4u> Yeah
<Reap4u> uhh
<Mapletta> this should assist you to some degree
<Reap4u> Lost you.
<Mapletta> tell me where you want me to rephrase
<Mapletta> inb4 all
<Mapletta> try to be specific
<Reap4u> Your saying to exageratate poses so that they mimic what you FEEL and get from the model?
<Reap4u> And over time your exagerations will become more and more accurate with the models actual pose?
<Reap4u> ?
<Mapletta> while you were typing that
<Mapletta> poop was sliding out of my anus
<Mapletta> C:
<Reap4u> Delicious.
<Reap4u> C:
<Mapletta> yes that's exactly what I'm saying
<Mapletta> you do that because
<Reap4u> Fo'Sho!
<Mapletta> you're supposed to draw your analysis of the pose
<Mapletta> not copy the pose
<Mapletta> because if you copy it you'll lose the energy
<Mapletta> because the truth is
<Mapletta> your funky analysis is the best translator you have
<Mapletta> so stay loyal to it and make it sharper and sharper
<Mapletta> [with practice]
<Mapletta> I had a very helpful conversation just now with this artist who gave me that exaggeration tip
<Reap4u> would you like to relay this information>
<Reap4u> :> ?
<Mapletta> yes
[Relaying the information...]
<kriscrash> oh, well then
<kriscrash> Actually that sounds about right
(at Mapletta's - I, I mean Edyrem's - new found understanding)<kriscrash> The reason I advice you to exaggerate is that I see a lot of people KILL the movement
<kriscrash> they start doing it neutrally copied, then when rendering they kill it
<kriscrash> so in theory if they had started out exaggerated they had something to give in the rendering
<kriscrash> plus I think when you think "exaggerate!" you start looking for the actual character of the pose - maybe, think about what makes the pose the pose it is
<kriscrash> but also sometimes
<kriscrash> don't think so much, just draw ;3
<kriscrash> maybe set up challenges for yourself
<Mapletta> yeah kriscrash I really gained an important insight from that tip
<Mapletta> I will practice more, but I will not stop overthinking it, because that's the only way I can get better
<Mapletta> rote repetition only wears me out and destroys my motivation
<kriscrash> nodnod
<Mapletta> If I have a concept to wrap my head around, practice is enriched
(I sound like Hitorio here lol)<kriscrash> as long as you think, I think you will force yourself to try new things and experiment
<kriscrash> ah
<Mapletta> can I show you a gesture I just drew? Compared to yesterday do you think there's noticeable progress?
(Sorry Psuda, I don't have the 'before' pic anymore but it was like the drawings I showed you above except a little better)<Mapletta>
https://i.imgur.com/SBwbJ.png (This is the model, for your reference: Click - mostly nude)<kriscrash> wow, yeah
<kriscrash> that seems really organized and much more finished
<kriscrash> and has a midline which is a good idea
<Mapletta> jesus christ that is motivating to hear
<kriscrash> :3
<kriscrash> maybe remember to add the neck
<kriscrash> and figure a way to draw the head simply and meaningfully
<Mapletta> well here's how I understand gestures so far,
<Mapletta> yeah I feel you
<Mapletta> basically, it seems like the object of it
<Mapletta> if I am to do as pure a gesture as possible
<Mapletta> is to use my lines for anything but physical characteristics. Any overlap of lines and physical shape (i.e. outline of shoulder or spinal curve) should be because there happened to be an important gesture characteristic to reveal in that line
<kriscrash> what helped for me was to use a swooshy brush, because a single line with a thin brush in a simple drawing can look really faint and dumb on paper
<kriscrash> well
<kriscrash> the spine or the chest midline are nearly always important, because they show the direction of the torso
<Mapletta> yeah lol but I had been pretty confused for a while because of that consistent overlap
<Mapletta> I almost thought it was because of the physical quality, but then I made the distinction that it's the direction that matters more