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 Sasuke get up :/ Style test

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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:31 pm

im trying to make this look like actuall naruto maybe a littel off but i guess the biggest problem is his eyes
any tips (not animation wize it was more an aperence test)


ill try a different way in the nest update ima do it with keyframes and stuff
and not use skelitons for every frame just for keyframes and pencil in the inbetweens

lol i promiss (ps im restarting my naruto vs sasuke animation)
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 10:13 am

Hahaha, trying to mimic the professionals now?
You and me both, man.

Now, you're obviously aware that it takes practice to get to the pro's level, we all know that.
We just don't realize how MUCH practice it's gonna take until we actually try it. It must've shocked you a bit, eh?

I know how it feels. but as long as you maintain some faith in yourself and stay consistent with your pencil tool practice, and analyzing animations you want to learn from, you'll make it to the big leagues eventually.


But I digress, good job on starting this new style. It's a whole road ahead of you, a whole road of repetition.
Don't be discouraged, it's just all about repetition.

Although it's good to see I'm not the only one on Psuda trying to master this drawing style.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 10:57 am

Hehe thanks and yea its gana take a long time before im able to master this or even be at a level im comfortable at also knowing that the professionals don't use flash to colorize there animations they use software only available in japan :\ is a bit discouraging but im gana try and use the pen tool text but it will take forever to figure out how it works it looks a bit complicated xD im glad that you've tried to do this to i feel a littel better know that im not the only one
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 11:52 am

Oh, I'm still trying. But in the future I'm bound to finally get the idea right. And so are you.

And screw japan and their coloring programs, what more do you need than a color filler?
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 12:01 pm

True but im more interested in there pencil tool :3
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 8:37 pm

I don't understand. Are people animating to mimic real life and represent their ideas, or to mimic anime?
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 8:50 pm

mimic anime :p why mimic real life it would never look real euff unless it was 3d styled like avatar or somethin
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PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 9:49 pm

De8struction wrote:
mimic anime :p why mimic real life it would never look real euff unless it was 3d styled like avatar or somethin

You're saying that 2D animation isn't capable of portraying realistic movements?

This is very, very wrong. Also, 2D is as capable as 3D at creating real-to-life movements.

Where've you been?
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 4:06 am

not movement im talking about real life visual i dont think it could be done in 2d animation is the same 2d or 3d just how it looks is the difference
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 5:23 am

Ok. :)

To answer this, statement, though:
Quote :
why mimic real life

Realism in movement can really bring certain pieces of animation to life. This is illustrated in multiple examples, such as:

High-Quality, dynamic, Epic, Anime-tastic fight scenes are win.
...but don't go for the stereotypical anime look when portraying regular, everyday movements, cutting corners and avoiding the difficult techniques, like what happened when you had a character rise from his feet in two shots which didn't move so much. If you animated Sasuke getting up with a shot of his full body, it would be much more difficult, and you may get ugly results, but by adding realism and training hard on it, you can eventually look back on it with pride.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 6:17 am

Malfunction wrote:
I don't understand. Are people animating to mimic real life and represent their ideas, or to mimic anime?

Where the fuck have you been?
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 9:19 am

Quote :
Malfunction wrote:
I don't understand. Are people animating to mimic real life and represent their ideas, or to mimic anime?

Where the fuck have you been?

where the FUCK have YOU been?


All jokes aside though,
Adding realism to animation / animating like it's real life can just as well be done in 2D as in 3D animation. it just takes more time because you can use the model over and over again in 3D, while in 2D you have to draw it over and over again for every frame, which is simply taking more time.
Look at some comics, some of them have characters that look ridiculously life-like.

This, in theory, can be done as well in animation.. but it simply takes too much time to draw life-like characters over and over again.

Movement however, is easier to get right, and you should focus on getting stuff right, and as has been said before, don't cut corners on these things. practice makes perfect.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 11:38 am

lol tom I'm not sure how that answer's Malfunction's question, but to answer it:

Yeah people do animate to mimic real life and represent their ideas, but they also animate to animate cartoons. And there's a big difference between cartoons and real life. they're both on their own realms. Some people don't want to animate real life. They want to animate something impossible to do yet believable, as 'Animator's Survival Kit' suggests.

And with that, in this case, yes we are trying to draw anime as well as the pros because we've made a goal to reach that skill level.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:04 pm

the quote was only meant to be there for your response to Malfunction :P

I agree with you though, simple example is how people can't jump amazingly high/ fly / punch a mountain and destroy it, but we CAN animate it and make it look believable.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:42 pm

Hitorio wrote:
Ok. :)

To answer this, statement, though:
Quote :
why mimic real life

Realism in movement can really bring certain pieces of animation to life. This is illustrated in multiple examples, such as:

High-Quality, dynamic, Epic, Anime-tastic fight scenes are win.
...but don't go for the stereotypical anime look when portraying regular, everyday movements, cutting corners and avoiding the difficult techniques, like what happened when you had a character rise from his feet in two shots which didn't move so much. If you animated Sasuke getting up with a shot of his full body, it would be much more difficult, and you may get ugly results, but by adding realism and training hard on it, you can eventually look back on it with pride.

I have this on dvd they show u that they traced this cowboybebop is my 3rd fav anime the movie was great but this part was trace (its a music video)
also notice how nothing els in this movie looks like that :P
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:44 pm

It was pretty obvious it was traced, but it still makes it pretty good, it can be achieved by regular animation as well.
Keep in mind that a lot of animation studios use real-life reference material or trace specific movements in order to make it look good and save time.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:45 pm

ive always kinda thought of references as cheating in my standards :P but Yea they do do it alot
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:47 pm

Reference is never cheating, can you explain why you consider it to be cheating?

Tracing other people's animation and/ or making an animation which consists entirely of traced frames in my book IS cheating, but only tracing small parts isn't.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:51 pm

Tomvanharmelen wrote:
Reference is never cheating, can you explain why you consider it to be cheating?

Tracing other people's animation and/ or making an animation which consists entirely of traced frames in my book IS cheating, but only tracing small parts isn't.
i dont know it just seems like its ok to do when your learning like references but i would never approve of tracing unless your tracing your own work and i think professionals should be at a level of drawing that they can draw just about anything with having to use references

just how i see it beaause ive used references for sasuke in my naruto animation but alot of times i dont use references because i dont wana be limited to have to need references in the future ...feel me?
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 12:57 pm

I get what ur saying, but like I said, tracing can be an effective way of saving time or getting difficult movement right.

I create a lot of my own reference by recording myself doing movements so I have more than one way of doing that movement to choose from.
I learn from it and if I can't get it right doing it from my mind or with reference, I will trace.
Fortunately I haven't had a moment where I had to reach out to this last resort.
Because to me, it is a last resort, the final option if I cant get it right.
Practice makes perfect, but even the pros can't perform miracles.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 1:02 pm

yea i get what your saying i have recorded my self before but i dont trace it because it it so obvious and i usually animate anime and theres bodys just arent the same as realife body style (hard to explain what im saying) but yea fortunately ive only needed references sofar with eyes and have recorded myself getting ready for a hand stand xD
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 3:28 pm

De8struction wrote:

I have this on dvd they show u that they traced this cowboybebop is my 3rd fav anime the movie was great but this part was trace (its a music video)
also notice how nothing els in this movie looks like that :P

...trace, eh? What a disappointment.
Here are my second examples:
Toshiyuki Inoue and Hiroyuki Okiura. They combine realism with the exaggeration that an animation would have, and their animations lean toward realism.

I also haven't seen the rest of the movie since I haven't finished the series yet. My plan is to finish Cowboy Bebop, then watch the movie.
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 5:45 pm

Yea i know the anime isnt traced just the mini music vid in the anime but still kinda a let down
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Sasuke get up :/ Style test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sasuke get up :/ Style test   Sasuke get up :/ Style test I_icon_minitime

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