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PostSubject: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 4:51 pm


I'm planning to make a second one of these. Give me your goddamn criticism, huh?
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 5:01 pm

Dude, your voice is Awesome! I'd definitely want to have you on board when I work on an animation that needs voice acting in English.
I love the random story, I should animate my fighting moves I did in my dream a few days ago. Hilarity will ensue!

Even though the style of animation doesn't call for it, I'd like to see more inbetweens.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 5:36 pm

Pleasant voice to voice voices for voiced things.

This makes me wanna narrate a dream c:
I am fond of dream-related things.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 5:50 pm

Tom wrote:
Dude, your voice is Awesome! I'd definitely want to have you on board when I work on an animation that needs voice acting in English.
I love the random story, I should animate my fighting moves I did in my dream a few days ago. Hilarity will ensue!

Even though the style of animation doesn't call for it, I'd like to see more inbetweens.

Right, I feel you, especially on the in-betweens.

Here's my logic, and and disagree loudly if you disagree at all:
I can literally go back and make this solid 12 fps throughout the entire movie, and I could put all the fixin's on the spider when he dies, but,
instead, I can literally make a second one of these videos that's just as long (and still playing at 5ish fps). Nownownow, I'm way more interested in practicing my animation skills rather than my goddamn narration skills, but if I'm going to tell a story, I'd rather do my very best job at telling a story rather than do my best job at telling a story and then also show you how high I can climb a rope.

Yes, I am a big fan of dreams, and will oggle and gape at any dream-inspired animations you make, I'm sure.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 5:54 pm

I vote for second story instead. And fuck any other votes.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2011 6:39 pm

my vote maybe be raped but i agree and want another if you're not too busy creative name :D
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 7:46 pm

HEY guys I could use some of your advice.

So I'm making another of these dreams.

It's maybe 1/4 done.

Here's the WIP. It'll be about 45 seconds in the long run. The audio quality will increase a lil, in the final version.

There's a button on the top-right to replay.

If you have ANY advice, even if it's stupid, please say so. I may not heed your input, but I'll definitely appreciate it.

I'll keep you posted on major progress.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 8:17 pm

Why are your dreams so cool?! Awesome animation as well.

And are you always naked in your dreams?
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 10:25 pm

darkjesus wrote:
Why are your dreams so cool?! Awesome animation as well.

And are you always naked in your dreams?

Thanks. I think it's 'cause I happen to remember many of my dreams, so my subconscious is working extra hard to impress me.

And no, sometimes I'm wearing sexy cos'play, if it happens to be a sexy dream.
Waitwait, no, I should have said "if I'm not gonna wear clothes in my real life, I'm not gonna wear clothes in my dreams, either!"
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2011 2:11 am

I'm so jelly that you remember your dreams this well. If it's true, you're on the verge of oneironacy (I think I spelled that right), i.e. being an active lucid dreamer and such.

My First Narrated Animation LyG96 ...But yes, on the subject at hand:

Twas excellent animation, my friend. It exceeded what I expected. And I award extra points to you for your seemingly exact examination of this excerpt from your dream. You make quite the Excalibur out of that drawing pen of yours. I found your expert-level narration skills to be exhilarating except for when your emphasis was too extreme; you need not exert so much volume from your voice at some moments, and I suggest you extract these moments from the final edit. And I apologize if the criticism came off as excessive, but nobody should exempt from such; after all, if I do not express such things, how will your skills expand? Let us expunge the ego, let us exfoliate ourselves of the mediocre, let us expel plateaus from our lives and excel exponentially in the exquisite art form that we exercise. Psuda exists exclusively as a place where we exchange examples and examine ideas, to exhaust our limits and exploit our tools in better expelling our flaws from our creations, exorcising them of mediocrity and exposing the beautiful explosions out in the exterior for the world to experience, while we explore the world's art for exotic gems. When we inhale criticism, we exhale brilliance.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2011 4:46 pm

Edyrem wrote:
[...] I apologize if the criticism came off as excessive, but nobody should exempt from such; after all, if I do not express such things, how will your skills expand? [...]

...you must have forgotten the part in which he expressed a vicious thirst for every iota of criticism that entered our minds. Such an apology is swatted by this spartan - maybe. :P Also - excessive? You only suggested that he down down his voice. Remember to view your message from an outside perspective as well as opposed to the perspective of the creator. Even if you labored on the message, we have a humorously easy and short time reading it. :P The same goes for many art forms. We often don't see or acknowledge your labor in the finished result. We only extract, kinda like how people view the Earth as a huge vat of resources without always consciously wearing the notion that all of these fossils and oil deposits and shit took years to form. Perspectives. Increase the variety and you can rape the subject.

I keep having delays in mah gawddamn posts 'cause of my enhanced weakness to the lull of sleep while I am laptop-less..during the weekdays.

Kai Vold. Creativename. Genericname. Kai Vold sounds awesome. Mind if I call you Kai? (Random Fact: It's the last syllable of my name.) Err... your dreams are the shit. I had a pretty awesome one last night (Fantasy deathmatch between every student at my school within an elaborate, smexy-looking enclosed architectural structure), but yours are consistent. You keep having these sparkling tales to draw from the head, whereas guys like me dream of relatively normal schitt.

Lol at the bobbing of the bowspirit of your ship/boat.
Your animation style. It's included as a valuable asset in my envisioning of the future. You know, as a serious animation studio. ...a net animation studio (this third animation renaissance must take place). Keep going. I hope that you not only sharpen your raw artistic spirit that allows one to create smex motion, but the skills that are used in the professional animation process such as making roughs that are easily cleanable, creating steady, clean lines for the final release, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2011 6:54 pm

What you're saying is 100% accurate, mate. ;P
I'll admit that I placed more effort in the second half of the little speech.
And I'm fully aware that CN readily seeks criticism, but, you know, I was just finding ways to wedge all those "ex" words in.
BTW, I'm fairly certain I only used each "ex" word once. cool Go check bruh.

Anyway, I pretty much... 100% agree with the entirety of your post.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 5:26 am

Edyrem wrote:
BTW, I'm fairly certain I only used each "ex" word once. cool Go check bruh.
Achievement unlocked.

...woke up less than a half hour ago - this time, my dream was of the more epic sort. It also felt more full...movie-esque in length. I won't name the population of the dream because I have a shitty tendency to take unoriginal characters and slap em in my dreams.
I begin the dream with a concept of a guild. ...a group of people that have abilities akin to superpowers...kinda like the X-Men.
In an unclear sequence that I do not remember, I join these guys. Soon afterwards, I find myself in a war with them in which I am located at a base, warding off the rain of attacks while trying to trigger a biological weapon that I somehow felt would win the war. I felt that it was some type of clone generator, as it was a sphere of genetic coding that needed water to activate. As we were about to activate it, the water systems deactivated, so my purpose in the war was to get in the wiring and repair it, somehow.
I fix the wiring in another amorphous sequence of events. Right before we win the war, I get a random sequence of:

I'm at my actual house..but I'm not me. I'm this buff guy in a tank top and crew cut and have a family in the kitchen with me. I hear a knock on the back door and the Joker walks in. He's carrying some kind of cart behind him filled with clothing and schitt, as hobos do in the streets. He seems awkward. Me, seemingly knowing of his villainous intentions, requests a rewind in time as if I knew that he was planning something but fucked up at it. The rewind occurs. I hear the knock again. I open the door to a hobo with a cart, knowing that it's the Joker in disguise. This time, though, I feel more afraid - as if I knew that he had homicidal intentions. The hobo wants me to come to his cart, but I back away, saying something about escaping the death that the Joker in disguise planned. Joker agrees that I escaped that particular instance of death, but takes off his mask and tries again. He slaps my hand with a taser and I fall onto the floor, stunned. I completely lose awareness of my family in the kitchen, btw. At this moment, I know death is incoming and feel more afraid. Joker mounts a hand-claw and leaps toward me, but my consciousness switches points of view right before the killing blow occurs.
It turns out that I'm still in my original body, but am experiencing visions through the eyes of the victims. I find myself mentally traveling through an abstract sequence in which the Joker is revealed to have systematicallly killed everyone in my guild. All ages, genders, and sexes are detailed to be killed as the cam flies through the abstract dimension, viewing marquees of textual narration and short clips of each victim's slaughter. I feel detached and more alone now. I wake up in my avatar's actual physical body. Turns out I've experienced a timeskip and am in a post-apocalyptic city (it didn't seem so post-apocalyptic - the buildings were intact but the population was still zero). So I fly around the empty-as-fawk city (apparently I can fly now), and I find agents of - I assume - the Joker's. Knowing of the dangers of what happened during the huge massacre, I use all of my cunning to flee from them. Eventually I fly into a archietecturally damaged portion of the city in which a huge thunderstorm and an enormous flood is occurring (I understate the details of such a scene. Imagine the graphic awesomeness of 2012 - and I'm viewing this schitt airborne) and buildings are being sunken and swept away. I actually find five surviving members of my guild upon a piece of circular sinking highway road - two are running along it and three are flying like I am - and fighting airborne enemies. A vague battle ensues, the details of which I do not remember; the enemies, however, are made quick work of. We all land on this sinking piece of highway road and reunite.

I awaken. I suppose that's what happens when you fall asleep right after playing Prototype.

In the dream before last, I'll only share this one minor relatable detail in the deathmatch. I had the powers of Jesus Messiah Naruto. :O Y'know, Tailed-Beast Mode. Golden flames. The main abilities I used were the Yellow-flash-esque bursts of speed and rasengan variants, though. I remember not being able to fully maneuver around the battlefield as seamlessly quickly as I wanted to - I couldn't run around at full speed, only teleporting to points of space that I individually and optically focused upon. I also chased an opponent up a spiral, dragon-like pathway, attempting to rasengan him in the back. He countered with another rasengan; they collided and, instead of exploding, seemed to cancel out each other's spins and faded away. So I'm like: "How about I try a rasenshuriken?" I try it, I form it, and for some reason, instead of this rasenshuriken, I'm holding a statue of a rasenshuriken that does nothing but looks more badass than the original, what with its intricate designs along the blades and all.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2011 11:46 pm

I hate the fact that I don't have dreams like these that often... I enjoy them so much, heh.

@rasenshuriken statue; fuuuck, that kind of shit always happens. There ALWAYS has to be something slightly off that gets in the way of the authentically accurate experience of having something like naruto's powers. Though it's not too bad.

How often do you guys have experiences like this?
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 1:47 pm

Wow you guys are lucky... i have very vivid dreams about very plain things... like my friend ron punching me in the face, or going throughout a school day, only to get home all tired, sit on the couch, and wake up knowing i'll have to go to school AGAIN.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 4:07 pm

Edyrem wrote:
How often do you guys have experiences like this?
Every time (every single time) something awesome is about to happen in a dream, I have some sort of control barrier that makes me unable to fulfill my actual desires. I think it translates to my life because I'm used to falling short of whatever I desire on a regular basis and suffering from that.

@SethX: Waking up in a shitty manner is pretty nutsuck. It happens on both ends of the spectrum, though. Sometimes the dream is so paradisical that we hate waking up from it. "Fuck - that wasn't reality?!"
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 6:49 pm

@Hitorio ... you say "Fuck - that wasn't reality?!" Like oh darn i wish i were back in that dream. i mean "Fuck - that wasn't reality?!" As in "Oh shit i thought that was real life... turns out i have to go to school for 14 hours today, because i've already been there for 7 hours."

EDIT: this happens maybe twice a week^

Also, the movements of creativename's worm in his second dream inspired me so much, that it doesnt make sense. so i made this.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 1:58 am

lol @ when people have those double-work days. I don't think it's happened to me, unless you count when I was lifting weights in a dream - that wasn't necessarily boring though, because I was lifting some HEAVY SHIT successfully. :P Was pretty cool, actually, because I felt the burn in my legs as I was doing that squat lift.

@Hitorio, your wording is spot on.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 4:50 pm

@SethX: I meant that we're similar in being disappointed upon waking up. Also, your dream anim's drawing style looks like Duo's. Huhuhuhu.. I imagined that from your point of view. Seems abstract as hellz. I remember running from a supposed murderer with treadmill physics. Quite uncomfy.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 10:44 pm

LOL @ treadmill physics
Totally experienced that.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 1:15 am

Me first read this I need help:
I haven't worked on this last week, and before that I squandered droves and groves of my time on deleted scenes. Below is what I have, and I'll hear your advice, that I may. What I really want is if you have any insights on how to turn this character into a dragon. It will take too much work either way, but if you have tips, I might even heed them.
The worm has lost all his grace.

@Edyrem: Hoho, you only criticize an illusion of my cartoon. You criticize your flawed perception of my cartoon. If you could see my cartoon for what it truly is, you would find it psychologically impossible to criticize.

Haha, I paraphrased that line from a writer that I like.

@Hitorio: You're neat, I'm neat, let's get together and trade ejaculates.

Thank you, you can call me whatever is comfortable, but I would call you Hitoro on this forum. The boat-bobbing is my favorite part, too. Your dream made me laugh.

SethX: I lolled all over the ground. Your woman is so gross and so androgynous. She's like a meaty sculpture, or a human-shaped sheathe of skin filled with light-weight dust, like martian dust, probably. The fuck am I saying.

Oh my gosh SethX you and I should speak. That your woman even can move the way she does, when she does those crazy things she do, tricks me to believe that you have clever machinations buried in your skull, or else I do not.

You guys mangled me into a jolly mood. I'm not used to people who have things to say.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 2:23 am

Creativename wrote:
@Hitorio: You're neat, I'm neat, let's get together and trade ejaculates.
My First Narrated Animation JNIsQo4SJOaB

Creativename wrote:
Hoho, you only criticize an illusion of my cartoon. You criticize your flawed perception of my cartoon. If you could see my cartoon for what it truly is, you would find it psychologically impossible to criticize.
... :O Who said this.
^I find asking questions with periods suitable to convey the tone that you get when hearing others not escalate their tone in typical question fashion)
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 1:51 pm

Raymond Smullyan. The line is stolen from *this amazing chapter* of The Tao is Silent.
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 4:54 pm

creativename, why don't you post some of your inspirations in the topic I freshly created in the artistic discussion section? I'm curious to see what interests you!

Also, how far are you with working on that second dream animation?
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PostSubject: Re: My First Narrated Animation   My First Narrated Animation I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 14, 2012 4:36 pm

Hey I did,

I stopped working on it for a long time,

But I finished that thing.


I know it plays right in Safari, but for some reason it's prone to dropping some frames in some browsers.

Hitorio, I can't deal with how funny that is. You posting those pictures is probably the funniest thing that has ever happend to me.
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